Education Institution offering the B.Ed. program
Welcome to Rajeev College of Education
Rajeev College of Education is the teacher education Institution offering the B.Ed. program. It is affiliated to the University of Mysore, recognized by the Govt. of Karnataka and the National Council for Teacher Education. The Institution functions at the Rajeev Educational Arcade, located at 3rd cross, Sampige Road, K.R.Puram, Hassan,very near to the B.M.Road and at a distance of 1.5kms. from the city railway station and the new bus station. The institution is a self supporting one. i.e. private- unaided, managed by the Rajeev Education Trust.
Rajeev College of Education Hassan was established in the year 2004-05.
Admission Started

Two year B.Ed. programme 2021-22 =50 students
Two year B.Ed. programme 2022-23 = 100 students

Plants are developed by cultivation; men by Education” – John Locke We believe in this motto making every student of Education realize that Education is the process of manifesting the latent potentials of an individual to bloom to the fullest extent like the tending/caring of the plants, thereby contributing to the good of Man, Society and the Nation

‘The destiny of the Nation is shaped in her class rooms’ goes the famous message to the Nation from the Indian Education Commission of 1964-66. It is true to its letter and spirit. If we want to build an A-1 Nation, we need to prepare A-1 teachers. So, we need to pay utmost care and show great concern for the quality in the Teacher Education Institutions. An educator (teacher) is not a mere master in the tiny class rooms; but a great leader of the society and an architect of the Nation. Rajeev College of Education is one such Teacher Education Institution to cherish this noble vision and ideals. It dedicates itself to the sacred mission of preparing such great teachers.

A teacher is not just the one who transmits knowledge. As the renowned Indian thinker Sri Aurobindo puts it, ‘a teacher is not an instructor or a task master; he is a friend and a guide. He does not impart knowledge but shows the way as to how to acquire knowledge for himself’. ‘A teacher is born, not made’ is a popular belief. It is true that all are not born teachers. Yet, they could be shaped to become such great teachers with a clear vision and a well thought out plan of action, who could inspire thousands and thousands at their hands and turn out great achievers. Today’s wars cannot be fought with yesterday’s weapons. We equip our programs with new and realistic approaches to develop global competencies among the educators of to-day with innovative educational technology to compete in this challenging global scenario.
University Ranks
Years Experience

Mrs. Sunitha Shedthi
1st Rank and Gold medalist.
B.Ed. Exams Nov 2010. University of Mysore.
Mr. Harish G.K.
1st Rank and Gold medalist.
B.Ed. Exams Nov 2011. University of Mysore.the Nation

The College has the following clubs to provide a stimulating forum for the personality development of the student teachers.
1. Shri Raghavanka kannada Sangha.
2. Shri Krishna devaraya Ithihasa Sangha.
3. Shakespeare English Club.
4. Darwin Science Club.

The Institution has an Alumni Association which meets annually and conducts programs/competitions which contribute for the personality development of the teachers.